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LCOS Update -- What's up?

Writer's picture: LCOS Weekly UpdateLCOS Weekly Update

God has blessed us through music, worship, service and connection this week. Read on to learn more...

August Music Highlights:

LCOS is fortunate to have a wealth of musicians willing to give of their talents in our worship gatherings. August 5th we were blessed by Norma Nawroth’s vocal offerings: “In Joseph’s Lovely Garden” (Dickenson), dedicated to the Glory of God in thanksgiving for abundant blessings. August 12th, Dan Minneman, in addition to serving as assistant worship leader, provided the vocal

offering: “Thus saith the Lord” (Handel).

We are so grateful for both of you!

God’s Work Our Hands Sunday

On Sunday, September 9 services will be cancelled – we’ll be out serving!

At 10:00 am we’ll gather for donuts, coffee, and the Lord’s Supper. Then we will be SENT to serve our community. There will be a variety of serving opportunities from which to choose. We’ll also have less physically demanding projects here at church. There will be something for everyone! More info to follow. We’ll be joining thousands of ELCA congregations who will also be serving our communities on that Sunday.

Mark your calendar now!

(NOTE: Saturday 5:30 pm worship will happen as usual.)

LCOS Newsletter Upgrade

EVERYONE’S HELP NEEDED!!! We are in the process of upgrading our weekly email newsletter. There will be a phased approach to implementing a new format. This give us a chance to experiment with new technology and ultimately select the best tool and format. During this period, WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! Some of the tools require that we build up our online “reputation”. If you receive an email from us, AND OPEN IT, our reputation improves. UNOPENED EMAILS damage our reputation. PLEASE HELP US AND OPEN ALL LCOS NEWLETTER EMAILS. (You may receive 1-3 emails in different formats for a while.) If you do not receive an email newsletter and would like to, please contact Julie Goertemiller at

Did you know?

Did you know that our LCOS Newsletter is now available on the website and on Facebook? Just go to our website at and click on LCOS NEWS under the CONNECT tab. There you will find the current week’s and past versions of the LCOS Newsletter. Just check out Facebook for a link to the newsletter. Like us on Facebook and spread the news of LCOS further!

Assisting Minister Training a Success!

Thank you and congratulations to everyone who participated in the Assisting Minister Training this past Sunday. We welcome four new Assisting Ministers and thank you to those who continue to serve and came for a refresher. Everyone looks forward to seeing you lead us in prayers and helping with the liturgy. Go Worship Leader Team!

Chancel and Bell Choirs Resume Rehearsal

Fall is soon upon us and we will be blessed again by our Chancel and Bell Choirs during Sunday Worship Service. Beginning Thursday, September 13th , Bell Choir rehearsal will commence at 6:15pm and Chancel Choir rehearsal will start at 7:00pm. Additionally, there will be an “All Choirs” party on September 6th (off-site location). All singers and experience levels welcome!

If you’ve never been in choir, give something new a try! The church website calendar will post any changes in rehearsal dates and times.

Church Council Highlights

From August 14 meeting:

Affirmed, gave direction to, and heard reports from the following newly formed teams…

Search Team for Dir. Of Children & Youth Ministry: Round one of Skype interviews is complete. A second round of in-person interviews with select candidates is being scheduled. Council discussed the hiring process and compensation details.

Personnel Team: Newly formed - it hasn’t even met yet! Discussed its work and responsibilities.

Property Team: Is up and running. Heard updates on Phase II roof repairs, arborist consultation, underground drainage, among other projects and needs. Some of this work will incur major, unbudgeted costs. Preliminary discussion on how to pay for it.

Generosity Team (formerly Stewardship): Discussed plans for the team to carry out Fall emphasis, including estimates of giving, and how they relate to the creation of the 2019 budget.

Nominating Committee is discerning possible candidates who God may be calling to run for Church Council at the December 9 Annual Congregational Meeting.

Accepted Annie Dickerson-Kline’s resignation from Church Council. Authorized the Nominating Committee to seek someone to fill her term through the end of 2018.

Next meeting: September 11

Thank you, Annie!

For serving on Church Council for 2 ½ years, on the Pastoral Call Committee before that (both significant commitments of time and work). Her leadership has been a great gift to LCOS.

July Numbers

- July average weekly worship attendance was 83 (Sat night=20, Sun morn=63). YTD is 109.

- Average weekly offering YTD is $4,742. We need to average $4,857 to meet our budgeted expenses. We’re so close! Thank you, church! But we’re not quite there. Plus, we’ll soon be incurring unbudgeted property repair expenses.

Will you prayerfully consider increasing your planned offering?

We’re building relationships with God, each other, and the world!

DECA Prep Weekend Back Pack Food Program

In August are collecting food items for the DECA Prep Weekend food program which will start in September. This program is designed to provide Dayton area students in need with a bag containing: 2 breakfast, 2 lunch, and 2 snack items for meals on the weekend. We are encouraging members to donate the following items: Non-perishable easy open single serving items for snack, breakfast, and lunch.

Suggestions for Items:


· Breakfast bars

· Instant oatmeal

· Cereal (single serving)

· Granola bars / Fruit and Grain bars

· Poptarts


· Soup (single serving)

· Canned meat

· Ravioli or pasta (single serving)


· Fruit cups

· Raisins (single serving)

· Cheese and crackers / Peanut butter crackers

· Graham crackers

· Fruit snack pouch

· Pretzels

· Individual peanut butter snack

Please bring these items in and place them in the collection bins located throughout the church (Narthex, Fellowship Hall, and Chapel foyer).

If you have any questions or need further information contact the church office ( or Doug Hammer ( )

Baby Shower for Lutheran World Relief

Baby necessities are now being collected for Lutheran World Relief. The items need are hanging on mini-clotheslines in the narthex. You can help by selecting a tag for the item you would like to purchase, fill out the portion with your name and phone number and place it in the plastic holder next to the box. Please bring all donation items in by September 16th. Thanks!

Property Team Process

We have a new Property Team that is eager to help with managing the on-going maintenance of our wonderful, historic facility. YOU CAN HELP! If you see a building maintenance issue or need, please email the Property Committee at This email account will be checked regularly and the maintenance tasks will be prioritized and managed by our Property Team.

Friendship of Women Bible and Book Study

Will next meet Tuesday, August 7, 6:30 pm. We will be studying Miriam. The Bible reference is Exodus 14:10-15, 21. Everybody is welcome! (it’s not just for women) Questions? Email Natalie Rickman

We Need Photos!

Do you have any photos of the choirs, events, youth, worship, the church building, etc. for the website? We’re looking for high-resolution pictures. If so, please email them to our webmaster Julie Goertemiller at

Check out Top of the Hill Preschool of Oakwood Website!

It’s now complete and no longer under construction—just in time for school to start. Top of the Hill Preschool of Oakwood is a Lutheran Church of Our Savior mission. ToH’s web address is: You may also access the site from the new LCOS website by going to Then click on the PRESCHOOL tab located on the main menu.

Music Together Classes Begin

Sing, Dance, Play, and Learn Together! Did you know that there are music classes for young children and families here at LCOS on Friday mornings? Music Together begins its Fall Semester on September 14 (free demo class September 7). From babies to big kids, your child will have so much fun as you sing, giggle, shake, and drum together, you won’t realize how much learning is taking place! Save a spot in class and discover the power of music for your family. Find more info on the bulletin board outside the church office. or 614-499-4133


Serving in Worship THIS Sunday – August 19 10:00 am

Assisting Minister: Ginger Minneman

Acolyte: Grace Hartman

Reader: Steve Swedlund

Children’s Sermon: Ginger Minneman

Communion Assistants: Julie Anstaett, Jan Swedlund

Greeters: Jan Wallace, Julie Anstaett, Jan Swedlund

Ushers: Steve Swelund, Dick Rathbun

Church Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-2:30 p.m. Closed Friday

The Mission of LCOS

To Build Relationships with God, Each Other and the World

The Core Values of LCOS

+ Community + Service + Love + Integrity

+ Compassion + Forgiveness + Hope + Respect




We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. As servants of God and followers of Jesus Christ we gather each weekend in worship and praise in order to be equipped to serve God, our community and the world.

As a Reconciling in Christ congregation, we welcome everybody!  See our Welcome Statement HERE



155 East Thruston Blvd.
Oakwood, OH  45419



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